Dream reflections

In response to Jim Unger’s comment on my post from a few days ago…

(here’s the link to that previous post: https://schmittmike.wordpress.com/2009/10/27/dreams-of-sand-storms-comets-and-destroyed-society/)

Perhaps.  It’s strange for me to remember a dream.  Even stranger that I would remember it with enough clarity and be able to write it down.

At first, I wanted someone to interpret it for me.  Then as I wrote it out I understood it more and more.  I think the part of the church that we knew would still be standing is the part of the church that’s based in Christ.  It’s not that the institutional church as we know it today is all bad.  It’s not.  We are each followers of Christ in part or in whole because of it.  But only part of it is based on Christ.  That’s the only part that will stay standing.

God waited until we were frustrated and upset and praying earnestly to do something about healing the land.  I think that’s because he doesn’t want us to sit idly by and wait.  He’ll wait to act until we too are passionate about seeing change happen, like he is.  Only when we’re upset about something are we really willing to make a change that will cost us something.  So sometimes we wait on him and his timing, yes.  But sometimes I think he waits on us to get excited and passionate enough to really do what he desires to be done.

Only when we’re frustrated are we willing to really act.  Only then do we lose our desire for our own safety first.  Only then do we put ourselves second in order to pursue the prize first.  And it’s then that he gives us a glimpse of what he has to come.  That glimpse is the spark that ignites the refining fires of change.

The survivors we found after the storm had cleared were perhaps the people who were following Jesus already, but so blinded by the institution of church they couldn’t see him in it.  Maybe they didn’t know where to go, but they knew he would be with them and somehow save them.

Or maybe they’re my homeless friends.  The islands floating amidst society that God looks out for especially.  When all is grim and hopeless they simply hold on.  Realizing that life itself is a great gift from God, they holdfast to the gift; awaiting salvation.

The new society is begun and based on love.  I think it’s this idea that we are fragile and beautiful.  God is good.  But we’re not always safe.  No longer can we walk away from our brother in need with the rationalization that God will take care of them another way.  The new city realizes that God has commissioned us to care for each other.  And there is no plan B.

I think in not only realizing our capability to help each other, but with realizing the necessity of each of us to play/be our part in the whole comes a great and beautiful understanding of not only each other’s value, but of our own value.  Our inherent value; not based on anything we do or accomplish, but simply on our being.  This is something I know I struggle with daily.  It’s not only that God loves the world; he loves me.  It’s not only that God wants to be with his children; it’s that he wants to be with me.  It’s not only that he’s commanded me to love and serve the people of the world; it’s that he’s commanded his followers to love and serve me as well.  It’s not only that God has gone on a great and sacrificial odyssey to be able to rebuild the relationship he lost with people around the world… he did it to rebuild the relationship he lost with me.  And he did it for you.  It isn’t only that God so loved the world, but that he loves me in the world.  And it’s not just that he loves me.  He actually likes me.

Maybe when we realize not only our value in his eyes, but also our necessary role to play in the Kingdom… maybe then living for and giving him our whole life, all the parts, will become the norm for each of us; rather than a regular concerted effort we need to be constantly reminded to re-begin.  Maybe then we’ll see the answer to Jesus’ prayer… To see God’s Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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